Book Review – Slap Shot – 3 Short Stories –Tryout Trouble_______________________________

Date: 20-04-14  Chapter: 1 Jitters  Pages read: 5 
What happened: Tom, Jordan, Mark  and Stuart  were playing ball hockey. The school year was starting and so was hockey, they were all worried about tryouts.
Your thoughts: 

Tryout do make everyone nervous.  I hope they all get to play_together.


Predictions for the next chapter: I think that Jorden is not going to make it because he is way to worried.

Date:   Chapter:  2  Mr. Watson’s Garage  Pages read: 
What happened: After playing all that ball hockey the boys went to Mr. Watson he was Stuart’s neighbour.  He gave them all to a slurpie 

after a little bit  of talking the boys found out that Mr.Watson was moving. 

Your thoughts: Mr. Watson is a nice guy because he gave them slurpies and the supplies for the rink. 
Predictions for the next chapter:The boys will end up liking the new guy.

Date:   Chapter 3 First Day  Pages read: 

What happened: _One of the boys had new shoes and he got a blister and the new neighour was Stuart’s 

Your thoughts: _I think that Stuart’s new friend is going to make it instead of Jorden because Jorden is too worried. 
Predictions for the next chapter Jorden is too worried. 


Date: 20 04 15  Chapter: 4 Breaking the Ice  Pages read: 127 – 135 
It was the first day of school and Stuart ended up in a different class. Thomas and his other friends are in Miss Lucy’s class and they really like her. Thomas wanted to introduce his friend Harty to his other friends. He wanted his friends to like Harty so he mentioned that Harty is a really fast skater and he moved into Mr. Wilson’s house. They asked if the house came with all the cool goalie posters and the slushy machine. They were sad to find out that it didn’t. 
Your thoughts: I think they’re starting to like Harty because he has a cool house.  
Predictions for the next chapter:Harty is going to do well as Hockey Tryouts. 


Date:April 9 2020   Chapter: 5 It’s a Just a Game  Pages read: 136-142 

They all started  tryouts and got on their gear. Coach Howie came to talk to them and gave them a little speach about why they play hockey

before they hopped on the ice. When got on the ice Tom and his buddys told themselves to work their hardest!    

Your thoughts: 

I thought that chapter was pretty short compared to the others and also that Johnny shouldnt wear new shoes before tryouts   

Predictions for the next chapter: 

I think one of Tom’s friends is not going to make it and then the other friend won’t make so they will be mad at Tom  

 Date: April 16, 2020  Chapter: 6 First Evaluation😎  Pages read:  

Tom  and his friends  are having there first  evaluation  and  tom was worried about his performance he was also worried about his  friends

but once the evaluation was done  he was happy with his performance.  

Your thoughts: 

Never  worry about others and just worry about yourself 

Predictions for the next chapter: 

Suart _is not going to make it because he is too worried

Date: 20 04 21  Chapter: 7 Band-aid Buddies  Pages read:152-156 

What happened: 

In the locker room after the first tryout, Harty gave Stuart 3 band-ids for all of his blisters from his new shoes. Tom became jealous of them getting along so well.

Your thoughts: 

__I don’t think Tom should be jealous of them because he was the one who wanted his friends to like Harty.

Predictions for the next chapter: 

I think will be in a different tryout group then  his friends. 

Date: 20 04 22  Chapter 8Two Day  Pages read: 

What happened: 

__Ms. Lucy teaches Tom and his class about homographs. Tom is paired up with Kylie. He’s jealous of Mark who’s paired up with Harty.

Your thoughts: 

_Tom is not going to be friends with all of his other friends.

Predictions for the next chapter: 

_Harty is going to invite him over and then they’ll all be friends again.

Date: 20 04 23  Chapter 9 A New Cookie  Pages read: 165-171 

What happened: 

_Tom was walking home and he was mad because he felt like he was getting replaced by Harty. When he got home, his dad gave him a dill pickle and chocolate cookieWhen Tom said how much he like the cookie, he dad try to shush him because he didn’t want to hurt his mom’s feelings. Tom made a speech about why can’t it be a tie. His dad said it’s ok if there’s a little competition, it just makes you work harder. Tom is in group A for tryouts and he’s trying out for the same position as Harty, center!!!!! 

Your thoughts: 

__Tom is too jealous.

Predictions for the next chapter: 

_Tom is going to make it._

Date: 20 04 24  Chapter 9Team Players   Pages read: 172-176 

What happened: 

In this chapter Tom knows that he was being a very selfish and then Harty had a good talk with him. Harty shared with him that Mr .Watson told him that he must share the hockey things that Mr Watson had left in his garage. Tom got to have the slush machine.

Your thoughts: 

__  I’m glad that Hardy told Tom that Mr. Watson was saying all those nice things about him and then he got the slushie machine and now he’s not being as selfish

Predictions for the next chapter: 

My prediction for the next chapter is that they’re all going to be fine and they’re all going to be friends again.

Date:   Chapter: Group A   Pages read: 

What happened: 

Soon the arena was buzzing with more players Tom didn’t recognize anyone_. It would be nice to have Hardy on his team seeing as possible said Tom suddenly he felt a better thing. Coach hi was holding in large case of lucky lemonade here it takes these drinks for after your ev aluation  is soon but it going. Set my time realized that it was wrong was Hardy he had to go pee! Tom skated down back the ice and Oh no it hit And Tom had to go to yet he couldn’t balance and his knees started knocking together his skates went from long and smooth to strides to lady little baby steps with his heels.

Your thoughts: 

Never drink too much before an evaluation.

Predictions for the next chapter: 

_ Hardy and Tom are going to be on the same team And is going to be team pictures.

Le Hockey

Bonjour je m’appelle Noah. Mon sport préféré c’est le hockey . Mon équipe etait le Winter Hawks. Mon equipe prefere dans le NHL sont Cunucks Vancouver . Les raisons que jaime Cunucks  Vancouver c’est B parce que mon joie de hockey et sur cette équipe Brock Boeser . Mon nombre sur mon équipe d’hockey est le numero  10 et mon position c’est Left wing . La raison que j’aime l’aile gauche et parce que je suis Gaucher. Toutes mes amis sont sur mon  équipe dhockey donc c’est beaucoup de fun. Mon gilet sur mon équipe est bleu, rouge, noire et grise. Les couleurs de Cunucks Vancouver  son sont bleu verts et noirs. La raison que jamie Brock Boeser et parce que il a une très bien shot.

I saw a beaver!

I saw a beaver  on one of my camping trips to Buffalo point. We were fishing in the marina  and then we saw something swimming in the water. At first we thought it was a muskrat?  But then it got out of the water  and then we saw its flat tail. It was around 7:00 PM and cool outside and we were pretty far away and it was very cool seeing it and it reminded me of the 5 cents.

BBC - Earth News - Secret lives of baby American beavers filmed

Temps de Glace


Nom: _Noah Roch______________ Date: 20 05 28 

Critique de livre  

Titre Temps de glace 


Auteur: Irene Punt 

Genre: Sport 

Resume bref: 3 amis doient faires une patinoire pour leur equipe d’hockey. 


Thomas pace qu il est le caracteur principale                _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Impressions/opinions/connections __Mon connection c’est que moi et mon ami aller au le patinnoite elexste ieur  on doi pelter le patinoire._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendation (Qui aimerai lire ce livre et pourquoi?). _Grayson par ce que Il aime  le hockey _____________________________  


Classement /5 (Pourquoi?) __5 par ce que il y a le hockey dans __ce livre______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________